Point taken that I don't read Lois deathfics, Terry, although in the beginning I did read a couple. But haven't done so in a few years now. But part of it is that death is too much what RL is and so there you go. Shallow I know.

But, oddly I admit, I frequently read the comments on such fics, I think to gauge from those comments how the topic is treated. Now this is a very imperfect way to go about that task I admit, but there it is. Generally (I'm tempted to say always, but 'always' statements are suspect smile . what I've found is that no mention is made of Lois's actual dying, her suffering, etc. Mostly comments are 'poor Clark' etc. Now that doesn't mean of course that the fic itself did not focus on Lois' dying but it does suggest that it did, I think.

I'm not willing to do a tally of Lois deathfics (and here too I would include - dead-Lois fics) vs Clark death and dead-Clark fics - too depressing a topic, but my impression is that were someone to do that, they would come up with a very unbalanced list.

You must remember too that, as Mary put it so well above, we do live in culture that is still biased in this regard, and so I think perhaps it's understandable that some of us might draw attention to the pattern when it occurs in L&C fanfics.

btw, I have admitted to my 'biased worldview' - I'm a feminist. But I like to think that feminism is about equality of the sexes.
