ML, I forgot to tell you... the deathfic that you described but wouldn't write seemed like an interesting fic to me, because Lois was such an active force in it. I like the idea of her being Clark's "guardian angel", as it were.

And I can't prevent anyone from writing any fics whatsoever, but I hope I have the right to discuss them. But I agree that such discussions should try to address other questions than whether or not a person likes such fics.

Again, a point I tried to address here is whether fics such as deathfics are sensitive to cultural trends in society as a whole. I have tried to say here that for whatever reason, the 1990s were interested in discussing how the lives of women are impacted by the deaths of men, but the "noughties" (as the British call them) have switched the gender roles here, for whatever reason. But since most movies and stories are about men in any case, the "male death stories" of the 1990s were few and far between compared with the "male life stories". Today most stories are still about men, and that makes women's starring roles as dead bodies or disembodied spirits more problematical than the "male death stories" of the 1990s, in my opinion.
