But if it is valid to keep writing Lois deathfics (or any other genre like alternate beginnings or next gen or whatever), then it is surely valid to discus those themes.
Thank you, Carol.

I have tried not to attack deathfics this time, but to discuss them. A point I have tried to make is that we seem to live at a time when the general culture finds it easy to tell stories about widowers and hard to tell stories about widows. The cultural climate seems to ask for stories where fictional men live and suffer and fictional women die. But it has not always been like that.

I think it is just a little too easy to come up with reasons why LnC deathfics should be about Lois dying and not Clark. There are reasons such as Clark being more sensitive (that's doubtful), Lois being the easier to kill (true, but not a problem in a fictional world which has kryptonite), and Clark being the main character anyway (debatable). My point is that if a Lois deathfic has been written in the recent few years, maybe the main reason is that the general culture of our time decrees that deathfics should be about dying women and suffering men.


P.S. I was talking about movies generally from the 1990s which tell stories about women losing their loved ones, and I forgot the most successful of them all, Titanic! How could I forget? And wouldn't you know that that movie is from the 1990s, from 1997?

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