Once recent such movie, however, directed by Peter Jackson, was a movie about a young girl who was... dead! The movie was basically about her happy life as a dead person, after she had been murdered! But only her parents were the victims of her murder, because she herself was as happy as could be!
That's really interesting, Ann. Because it reflects something I sometimes think about.

There is another recent thread on this board about stories we will never write. And in one of mine, Lois dies sometime after Lois and Clark are married and have small children. So far, your typical Lois deathfic.

Clark grieves, cutting himself off from the world around him, unable to connect with his children or continue his Superman duties. Not even his parents can get through to him.

However, in this fic, after a short intro where we see Clark grieve, the rest of the story focuses on Lois - making use of the show's idea of soulmates.

Lois is going towards the light when she becomes aware of Clark's pain. She stops and looks back. Mike (the angel) shows up and tells her she has to continue towards the light - that her next life awaits her. But she refuses to leave Clark. (And we all know how stubborn Lois can be when she knows she's right laugh )

The rest of the story is about Lois finding a way to help Clark continue to live. Of course, first she has to find a way to let him know she is still there - that even death hasn't parted them. (And, although I don't know how, it would be more of a connection than just a 'feeling' - I guess it would be more like a 'haunting' laugh ) I suspect that at first, Clark will probably think he's losing his mind. But once he comes to realize that Lois is really there, he's able to go on - always with her help and support.

The story ends with Clark's death - and him meeting up with Lois on the other side and them going together towards the light, to their new lives.

Anyway, that's the story I will never write - but still play with in my mind sometimes. .(Boy, it's much harder to explain a story line than it is to just write the story laugh ) Not even sure if the story is 'politically correct', but then I never think about political correctness when writing a story. I just think about the story.

I think most of us are here because we like reading about Superman
That's interesting, cookiesmom, because that isn't what attracts me to the show. I've never been a Superman fan. I am a Lois and Clark fan. I put up with Superman because I adore Lois and Clark. (After all, Superman uses far too much gunk in his hair - can you imagine running your fingers through that? - yuck laugh ) Still, I must admit that Superman is a very convenient plot tool to get Lois and Clark out of some sticky situations or into others. wink And I've come, over time, to sort of like the big guy, too, because of my feelings for Lois and Clark.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane