That's interesting, cookiesmom, because that isn't what attracts me to the show. I've never been a Superman fan. I am a Lois and Clark fan. I put up with Superman because I adore Lois and Clark.
Me too. For me, Lois Lane is intrinsic to the myth - in many ways she is more heroic because it's she who implicitly risks her life for "Truth and Justice". Superman does, too, at times, but because of his powers he rarely risks his life.

I guess I'm trying to say it's easier for him to be heroic.

As well, I bring a feminist perspective to it. Lois Lane matters as much as the guy does - she sets the agenda as often as he does. She doesn't stand aside and hold the top hat while he pulls the rabbit out of it.

I guess for me what is special is that Lois Lane gets to be heroic and Superman gets to human. True Magic smile

c (plus she can't cook!!!!!)