But you DO NOT have the right to criticize such stories solely because you don't like their content, nor do you have the right to try to intimidate writers to stay away from content you don't like. Ann, Carol, ML, we all know that y'all don't like stories where Lois dies. There are FOLCs on the board who don't read ANY story where someone dies. That is their right, just as you have the right to dislike stories where Lois dies.

But you don't have the right to insist that everybody cater to your preferences. You don't have the right to tell people what to post or not post, as long as it's within the board's guidelines. If you really, really, REALLY believe that no Lois deathfics should be posted, then you should get the guidelines changed on the board instead of wasting time protesting (however indirectly and elegantly) a story theme you don't like.
Wow. I don't recall ever telling anyone what to write or not write or post or not post. In fact, I did write a Clark deathfic once. I even just gave an idea for a Lois deathfic above. But if I somehow gave you the impression that I thought no one should post deathfics, I apologize. I just thought we were having a discussion here where anyone could give his or her thoughts.

Will bow out of the discussion now. My real life has enough conflict so I try to avoid it in my hobby. Sorry if I offended anyone.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane