I sincerely hope that I will not be found guilty of hypocrisy over my last couple of posts......I certainly did not intend to sound hypocritical in any way

however, I admit that I suffer insistently from a serious case of what is known around here as the LANE BABBLE GENE....

Please Ann, forgive me for the vitriol, it was not you in person, nor your views that you expressed which I was objecting to

All I tried to do in these last posts was to point out the dangers of misrepresenting the other side....

I too, you may be surprised, enjoy a good suspense thriller....
Did you know before L&CTNAS my favourite TV show was the X-files.....

And while Brown may not be my favourite author, this is mainly due to his ethics as I have never read his works...
And yet I do have to give him some credit for his ingenious marketing strategies and abilities in creating a fast buck on a work which is arguable over his rights to intellectual property (re: the British law suit over breach of copy rights that he won, but it is still undeniable how similar the books are: Davinci Code and "The Search for the Holy Grail"


I had previously always thought of Lois as Episcopalian... not Catholic (re the super-heroes religions site...) because of her admittance that she had slept with Claude...
But I suppose that despite her contradictory nature when it came to being so riske' with her life and conservative with her body (do you understand that?) I felt the conservative nature of her treatment of sex in seasons 1-2 was more due to her relationship issues with her parents and claude etc. than her religious conservativeness, hence since the qualms she had had no bearings on religious angst, I thought she could not be Catholic as she would have had the whole "NO SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE" thing drilled into her from birth, and so she would be feeling a religious doubt as well???????

does that make sense as to my reasoning????

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?