/me jumps in and pounces the meerkat!

Hey Sarah!

As I read your post, I realized I agree with you to a degree. Perhaps too, it's how I was raised. Part of me thinks that it's very possible that we just didn't see him going to church etc. But then... they searched for a preacher - would they have had to if Clark in particular already had a home church? The other thing... again this probably has a lot to do with how I was raised, but it was clear that he wasn't necessarily opposed to premarital sex but that they chose to wait for reasons other than religious ones. It's not considered OOC for them to have sex before marriage - usually in the context of a loving committed relationship. There are others - such as Family Hour - where they have a one night stand, but it's not considered OOC. A one night stand isn't necessarily considered OOC for Lois, but generally is for Clark [generally, unless it's Lois].

Again - maybe it's just how I was raised b/c I know a lot of regular churchgoers who don't consider premarital sex a big deal anymore, but I do. They seem to see it as more of a social/emotional issue especially for girls rather than a religious one - if that makes sense? Be careful about having sex before marriage because it's more emotional for girls, don't want to get hurt, seen as loose, etc., rather than don't do it because the Bible says sex outside of marriage is wrong.

Anyway - I have to go take Christopher to the doctor b/c he lost 6oz this week and is back down under 8lbs at 3 months old...
Carol [who pounces the meerkat again for good measure]