Originally posted by Queen of the Capes:
So if a woman has 10 kids, it's not Beet's fault regardless of response.

and PLEASE Limit Discussion To "Depiction of Religion In Fiction".

Thank you QC...
I never intended my post to be an invitation to discuss any of these details here because frankly they HAVE been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere, and I think they are particularly irrelevant to the majority of stories posted on this site....

even though the RCC openly preaches to all who will listen about the "evils" of artificial contraception, the Church NEVER openly condemns each and every individual... She has moved a long way from stoning the prostitute....

My posts were originally intended to merely point out to you guys the dangers that come from misinterpretations of commonly known (or not so commonly known) teachings ... I intended to point out to you guys that not all followers of the Church's teachings are ignorant slaves to some autocratic male dominated hierarchy that there are millions of people in Western nations who CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE to follow the Church and that we too are thinking individuals who were under no duress when we made our decisions....

so Ann please don't persecute me, however I for one want to point out that it is reactions such as yours which I object to... reactions which make it feel like I am an ignorant and gullible sheep because this makes me feel at one level insulted, but at a deeper level (I guess) I feel saddened that you think so little of my abilities to choose for myself that you have militarised your own life in order to "Protect me" from the "Evil Pope

by the way QC...
here in Australia a QC (Queen's Counsel) is (was) a high-ranking title given to barristers, sort of an honorary title given by the states to honour their achievements in courts of Law.... (It has been replaced by something else - I think SC or State's counsel- recently because of the whole republic debate...)

so congrats on earning your silks (silk robes are bestowed onto QC's or SC's)

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