Originally posted by Dandello:
Yup - there are quite a number of us out there who think that Jor-El (at least the movie one) was a real piece of work. The LnC one wasn't much better - he sent his kid off to Earth, but apparently with the expectation that he was going to grow up and be blindly obedient to the Kryptonian cause?
Nothing compared to the Smallville one, though. I really thought he was going to be revealed as Zod or Eradicator. But it seems we're supposed to accept it as "tough love" - yeesh.

Adding religious background, or even religious thoughts to a character doesn't mean you have to get metaphysical or have a deity as an active character.
Definitely agree with you there. Just because a character has faith or religious beliefs doesn't mean their deity has to be actively involved. It's just another facet of the character. Sometimes a strong one. But that doesn't mean that whatever deity they worship has to do anything. The story can be about a character with faith without being about the being they have faith in.