The world itself is so fantastic, so real and the characters are enough like ours and yet fit in that world so well, with their weariness and sometimes passivity (compared to our characters). Oh, and the perspective it's written from is so limited, and yet it works so well. I love it. I can talk about it for ages and and ages just talking about all the cool stuff in that story and how it all fits together to make such a great whole.
It's one of my favorite fics. I love the characters the author creates (they are so unique, so complex and fascinating) and her prose is absolutely gorgeous, stark and magnificent. Her style is unlike anything I've read, Superman-related. I liked her other one loads too (Eating Me Alive?...and it's funny because I'm reminded of the quote from Lucy-as-a-nun there, the "sheep from another flock"), but I think Shatterfall is better. Lois' grief in one of the earlier parts feels so palpable. I also wish she updated more often.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan