Ah, an easy one I knew immediately. It's LabRat's Sugar and Spice

Here's a cute one I've always liked a lot:

"She is everything I dreamed she'd be ..."
Clark thought to himself.
As the grey jeep stopped at the red light,
the two occupants sat giggling their heads off.
"Stop, Clark. I can't drive anymore." Lois
"And that's news?" Clark answered her.
She smirked as she tried to reach over and
hit him. "Ha ha ha ... very funny, Mister Perfect."
He turned to look at her with a goofy smile
on his face, "I know I am."
"You really have lost it." She said, shaking
her head. She drove on. After a moment, she
turned on the radio. "You can change the channel
if you want," she told him.
He started to play with the dial.
They had just been to a National Reporters
Convention. It was a long drive home, but the two
didn't seem to mind. She enjoyed his company,
more than ever. He always had some silly joke that
was so stupid that she couldn't help but laugh.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin