Oh, I know this one too! Tank Wilson's angsty Day Follows Nightfall laugh

Hmm...people have recognized my last two postings almost immediately. Maybe I should try to make it harder, but I can't resist the chance to quote some of my all-time favorites, like this one...

Superman struggled to continue flying through the stormy night, his energy resources almost completely depleted. He *had* to get there. She would help him. She would...

The wind howled fiercely, battering his exhausted body as he battled to remain in the air amid the rain and the biting cold. He had already flown hundreds of thousands of miles, and had stretched his strength to the limit in order to destroy the asteroid which threatened Earth. He had taken an oxygen pack since he had known he could not hold his breath for the duration of the flight. But the pack had been ripped away from him by the force of his collision with the asteroid.

He had managed to fly back, faster than he had ever before travelled, to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and reach an altitude where he could breathe again. But he was now drained, his body more tired than he had ever experienced. Other than his encounters with Kryptonite, Clark knew that this was the closest he had ever come to dying. And he wasn't safe yet...
Kathy smile

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5