Woohoo! I know this one!!!

Erin Klingler's terrific The Accidental Husband!

And here you go:
"Clark, I'm terribly bored." Lois slapped shut the magazine she'd been flipping through without really reading it.

Her partner looked up from the surveillance equipment he'd been checking on for the fifth time that night. "What is it, Lois? You don't find..." he cocked his head to the side to read the headline of her magazine "... 'Spice up your love life: 100 tips to seduce him' interesting?" he teased.

She gave him a wrathful look. "This article is completely worthless," she growled. "The woman who wrote that gives all the cliches, from the good ol' strip-tease to the 'buy him a whip for his birthday' trick. The whole magazine isn't worth anything, anyway. I'm sure it's not a good way to seduce your lover."
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*