YAY! I know one! Okay, I had to check to make sure, but I am pretty sure it's "Universal Union Book I" By Jenni Debbage smile

Okay, here's a beginning that isn't a next gen fic smile .

She had never been so frustrated. Never. In all her years as an
investigative reporter, never had someone been so bold as to tell
Lois Lane that she'd lost her edge.

Today it had happened.

This morning Ralph had walked casually past her desk, the day's
edition of the Daily Planet in hand. He paused long enough to make
sure she noticed him, then proceeded to say with a smirk, "Hmm, once
again, another day goes by and the famous Lane byline hasn't even
graced the front page." He saw her features flinch at his words,
though she did her best to hide it, and it only served to encourage
him. "Whatever is the world coming to?" he asked, his voice filled
with mock exaggeration.
- Laura

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve