"It Happened One (Super) Night" by Wendy Richards. (An oldie!)

Next one?

"Yes, mother .... No, mother .... Uh huh ... Well, I think-- ... Yes, but--
... But I-- ..."

Lois Lane cradled the phone to her ear as she paced in her living room.
Every few moments, she raised her eyes hopefully up the stairs towards the
bedrooms, straining to hear if there was any noise coming from the nursery.
It had taken Lois 47 minutes (she had counted every single one) to get
Laura to finally stop crying and settle down for her afternoon nap, and
Lois had collapsed on the living room couch afterwards, relishing the peace
and quiet. But now she almost wished Laura would wake up and give her an
excuse to get off the phone.

Lois: "Kent is a hack from Smallville. I couldn't make that name up."

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