Oooh!! This is Naked Truth by Kaethel!

Okay, this should be easy. smile

The elevator doors opened and Clark stepped out into the
Daily Planet's newsroom. As he walked down the ramp to his
desk, Jimmy bounced up to him with a broad grin on his face.

"Hi, CK! Or should that be, Super-CK?"

Clark stared at him in shock, momentarily lost for words.

"S-sorry?" he stammered eventually.

"So what does Metropolis look like from up there in the clouds?"


But Jimmy had sailed away before he could respond to the young man's startling question. He made his way to his desk in a daze, wondering if Jimmy really had figured out his secret. Before he had time to dwell too much on that worrying thought, Perry appeared round the corner of his desk.

"Superman! You and Lois. In my office. Five minutes. With everything you've got on the mayor's story. OK?"
Elena smile1

Methos: "I'm easily amused."

(Indiscretions - Highlander: The Series)