“Not any more, Lane. We’re a team here at LNN. If you care about the story, you’ll work with Radner and Cardinal about getting the truth out as quickly as possible,” Robertson said.
... He's got a point. Once again, she doesn't seem to understand (or care) how things actually work. She's being uber-possessive.

At least, she now had a mobile phone.
A bugged mobile phone?

Lois stormed out of the elevator and into the Daily Planet newsroom.
What makes her think that's a good idea? She has no business being there.

Maybe he hadn’t mentioned it, because he hadn’t found any more information about it than the brief mention of it in her notes.
You don't want that comma there.

Because Perry knew that she was going undercover, she had assumed any story notebooks she had safely locked in her desk would be treated with kid gloves, kept in Perry’s protective custody, or given to Clark to guard.
More narcissism. She quit. She's not a DP employee undercover anywhere. Sure, Perry should have handled her notes appropriately, but she has no reasonable expectation that they would be kept pristine and confidential.

she screamed, marching down the stairs and into the bullpen.

So, I hope none of you are hiding that bald, incompetent bastard under your desk
... I don't want to know what he's doing down there.

I was wondering when she was going to have another flashback/flashforward/flashsideways thing. It's been a while.

Perry had once come straight into the office after being released from the hospital with double pneumonia. He never took sick days.
Aaaand that explains the epidemic.

“And I think Jimmy put your stuff in the storage room. I’ll get it for you.”
Once again, she could recover any personal effects, but anything related to work would be DP property.

That kid looks younger than I am, and I’m only twenty-six.
How old is Lex? If he's over 38, he's violating the Standard Creepiness Rule .

I went to LNN because you said that you loved the Daily Planet and that it was ‘a grand paper worth saving’.
That.... doesn't follow.

I’m not coming down to your place of business and telling you how to do your job, am I, Lois?
Well, actually, you are, since you're my boss.

He cupped her jaw in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips, freezing her with shock.
Why does she allow this? Is she one of those stupid "no means yes" females?

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)