She closed her eyes, willing away the tears and the throbbing in her heart.
frown that she had to totally turn down Clark.

She never wanted that with Clark.
Clark would not be disloyal like her father was.

She didn’t want heartache and tears and yelling and distrust and the saying of hurtful things and disappearances for days on end not knowing where the other person was or what they were doing or how they…
Then she should not say hurtful things to Clark.

asking the staff where there was a back door for her to take a smoke break without her boyfriend noticing.
Lois:My boyfriend would not like it if I smoked, and since he seems to have fled the city, he would not notice either.

Well, maybe not everything. Before Nightfall, she didn’t know the truth about Clark.
But he had intended to tell her right when he got back, and only Nightfall itself had kept him from telling her sooner. frown that she did not get his note from Nightfall. Her getting that note would at least show that he really wanted her to know.

She needed him.
Clark would be so glad to hear this.

She missed him.
smile1 she likes Clark. OK, we know this. frown that she does not see him fly by.

Maybe Ralph could even line himself up to take Lane’s spot as an investigative reporter.
Not while Perry knows Lane is undercover.

He knew Kent wouldn’t be able to hold his own without his three-time Kerth Award-winning partner.
Because Clark did not make lots of stories before being partnered with Lois. Oh wait, he did. I guess Ralph and reality almost never intersect.

He started picking through the items and decided that there wasn’t anything worth stealing; although, he did pocket the two Double Fudge Crunch bars he found.
Sure sign it belongs to Lois.

Then there was that time that Lois had come to him in the middle of the night after her old friend Allie had almost been run over in the street,
The first time they slept together.

Clark:We did not sleep together.

Reader:You were together, and you slept.

Clark:That is not what the term means. Anyway, I didn't sleep. And don't even try to twist that to mean something it didn't.

For an entire flight of stairs, he next recollected the evening they had shared pasta after Lex had shot her and Superman had dumped her.
We seem to be recalling all their times of sharing pasta.

Then there was the time Barbara Trevino had threatened her, and she had begged Clark to cuddle with her because of nightmares about Mr. Make-up attacking her.
That clearly was sleeping together.

Clark:I didn't sleep, and no, it was not. Not what is normally meant.

Returning home held too many memories, good and bad, of Lois.
hyper he heard Lois.

She shouldn’t have told him about Luthor in that way?
True, but probably not what was on her mind.

John Pack Lambert