-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Lois would go crazy in this situation. I am not sure how canon-Lois ever even considered marrying Lex. It made no sense at all.
Yes, I believe she would have hated that life.

Lex is sick, using one women when he is thinking of another.
LEX: But that's what personal assistants are for.

Well, at least some people realize that Lois loves Superman.
Really? Lex knowing is a good thing? Okay, he already knew, but still?
This event will probably make the chances of Luthor realizing CK=SM zero. sad that Clark does not realize what was happening.
Yes, sadly Clark is out of the country at the moment.

I just have this fear things will get real bad.
[Linked Image] And, no, we haven't hit rock bottom yet.

So she did plant some background for Clark. She got to the birth certificate and used it before Clark ever saw it, I guess.
LOIS: Well, duh!

Well, Clark got the job with the Planet without the background Lois and Louie built, so maybe he got the job at the Met Star the same way.
Businesses weren't so intrusive with background checks back in 1994 as they are today.

This is very unhelpful as an accusation.
Vague, but slightly helpful.

Although she is trying to avoid Lex knowing she is actually on the list.
She isn't thinking it's an actual list.
LEX: And that's where she went wrong. I stole Santa's naughty/nice list software and had those over at LexComm rework it so everyone who's with me is on the nice list and all my enemies are on the naughty list.

I hope she brings Luthor down quickly.
I'm writing as fast as I can.

This from someone who is living her life for the 3rd time.
LOIS: Yeah, tell me about it. Wait. What?

sad that Lois is deprived of the emotional support that Clark gives. This investigation will be nearly as hard on Lois as on Clark.
CLARK: I would like to beg to differ.
LOIS: You would.

I think this should be "could be an asset".
Thanks. Fixed.

sad that she is so close to giving up hope.
If she was giving up hope, wouldn't she be giving up the investigation?

Yes, if he had been smart he would have taken her away. Of course, Clark did not know that she was likely to be followed. He thinks the voyeur is all an issue from last year.
Yes, and who's fault is that?
CLARK: Not mine.
LOIS: Oh, come on. Is it that hard to figure out?

sad the story would be so much more fun if that had happened.
Especially since Lex had someone spying on them.

I half think this should be "act as a go between, between you". Although maybe that sounds too formal for Louie. Another part of me thinks maybe it should be "need someone to go between you and your partner".
CAT: /automatically raises her hand to be the person between Lois and Clark/
EW: I don't think John meant literally, or physically, Cat.
CAT: /lowers hand/.
EW: How about "act as a go-between between yous guys"? LOL /sorry, Sopranos flash/

“Mrs. Cox, Luthor’s assistant.
JOHN: Interesting choice on who to investigate.
That way if Lex heard about it, he'll think jealousy the motive.

Lois is coming to see Clark.
Wait. How do you know this is Lois? wink

she gave him a note.
Why lookie there. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.