I'm glad that Lois realizes how Clark was exposed to kryptonite. I wonder how long it will take her to tell him, though. I guess she really can't tell him until he knows that she knows CK=SM. I was hoping that this would induce her to let him know that she knows... but no dice.

If Clark wanted to tell her his secret, Lois wouldn’t stop him. She would allow him opportunity to tell her, but she wouldn’t tell him that she already knew.
I'm glad that she's come to her senses about this, at least.

“No, I mean,” she snapped, her voice rising in pitch and ferocity. “Coming to the Magic Club makes me feel as if my mouth is full of water and I can’t breathe!”
Ok, I'll admit that this one took me a minute to figure out. I think I've only watched the magic episode twice or so, and the last time I did, the WB website was being all glitchy and wouldn't play the end of the episode where Lois is in the tank. :p

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his chest. “I won’t let that happen.”
I'm surprised that they're touching so much in public. Doesn't that run counter to their whole fake break up thing?

“Hoot!” he chirped, and then groaned. He had been ‘deprogrammed’ years ago, but the reflex was still there.
How many times did people mess with him and make him hoot for him to still have that reflex 15 years later?

Lana had suggested taking him to a hypnotist to erase his memories of seeing his parents die, so that he would be able to eat cake at their wedding.
Lana is really a horrible person. If she suggested that he be hypnotized to help him deal with his grief, that would be one thing, but just so he could do wedding cake? She has absolutely no sympathy for him, does she? Does she even care that he watched his parents die, or is she too worried about having the perfect society wedding?

Still, someone had exposed Clark to Kryptonite somewhere, and he couldn’t believe it was random trick of fate. If it wasn’t Luthor’s fault, then whose? Had Superman stepped on someone else’s toes? He would have to be more careful.
Lois needs to tell him what really happened!!!!!!!! How can she in good conscience keep that from him if she loves him as much as she claims to? ... Ok, I realize that my complaint goes both ways and can easily apply to many different parts of their relationship. It seems like Lois and Clark's biggest relationship problems, both in the show and in most fics I've read, stem from mis-communication. They either deliberately withhold information or don't think to convey information or misunderstand each other, sometimes deliberately. :sigh: Can't they just tell each other what's really going on?

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)