Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Pris:
[QB]Re: Direct thoughts: There is a trend in modern literature toward putting all thoughts in quotes, and I'm just using the < > tags here where I would normally use italics. But thanks for the catch! :3
If you want to put your thoughts in italics you can (I do), but it's a little more prep work.

Just put a "[i.]" at the beginning of what you want italicized (without quote marks or period - but I had to include the period or the marking code would disappear and all you would see is the italics laugh ), and a "[/i]" at the end of what you want italicized. Then make sure you double check by reviewing your document with the "preview post" button below (next to "Add Reply" button) to make sure you haven't made any mistakes. Usually, I use italics if I don't use the dialogue tag "he thought" and single quote marks if I do. Just to be extra confusing. wink
Thanks for the tip! I'm used to html, so trying to get me to change at this late date just resulted in something like wallbash

I figured, in the interest of laziness, I'd just use tags so that I wouldn't have to reformat when I send it over to the archive. /unless I am completely mistaken and archive files can have italics and bold text. If that's the case I'll go back and format it.

Originally posted by Classicalla:
Re: Clara's nails: I think there that Louis is just noticing that her nails aren't long and perfectly shaped. I think Clara would be careful to keep them short, so that she doesn't accidentally puncture things or scratch people. Is it better if I change it to 'her nails were plain and short.' ?
Yes, I think it would work much better. As is, it almost felt like her nails were ragged and maybe even a little dirty. And she could still wear polish with short nails, but that could post a problem when she becomes Superwoman because people notice your nails if they are painted.
I'll go back and fix it later this evening as soon as I have time! laugh

One time, I met Dean Cain. He picked me up and joked it wasn't too late for me to marry Superman. It was awesome.