Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Pris:
[b] Oooh, there's an idea! Although, with the upscale atmosphere of the Metro Club, it would have to be more of a Burlesque show.

Actually, I can totally see this:

Lou: Where did you learn to dance like that?

Clara: My mom and I took a class together. It's a fun way to stay in shape.

Because Martha would TOTALLY take a Burlesque dancing class, amirite? XD
Yes, but I can't seem them offering one in Smallville. [/b]
Maybe they drive to Wichita for the class?

And I don't know, I live in a very rural community, and we have things like that, so I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Although, I suppose it could also be fun for Clara to have learned it during a stint in New Orleans or something.

One time, I met Dean Cain. He picked me up and joked it wasn't too late for me to marry Superman. It was awesome.