Because of this -- Gender Bender Challenge -- I'm quite interested in this story.

Shayne did a very well written story -- Gender Bender

Those eyes said that Clara was a naïve country princess who would be broken by the city
Don't bet on those country princesses (or princes) can be broken by the city. Country folks can adapt to the city far easier than city folk can to the country. I think Louis might just learn this.

Louis noted that, unlike most of the city women he met, Clara’s nails were plain and uneven.
Considering that Superman always had well groomed nails, I'm not buying this. I think she'd keep her nails nice and neat.

He’d had his share of simpering admirers in the years since he’d begun making a name for himself as a hotshot reporter. He didn’t need a woman dragging him down.
I can so see a male Lois thinking like this.

He’d had his share of simpering admirers in the years since he’d begun making a name for himself as a hotshot reporter. He didn’t need a woman dragging him down.
Awww.. That's sweet how he took care of Lucy.

<Saved by the bell,> Louis thought.
Direct thought should actually be put in single quotes.

Clara was going to do that assignment, and she was going to march back into the Daily Planet and get a job,
You go, girl!!

Everything about Louis Lane was polished sharp edges, from writing style to wingtip shoes.
Good description.

It gives a hint that Louis is actually a big softy underneath it all. I can't wait for him to accidentally reveal this side of himself to Clara.
I’m looking forward to that, too.

With great power comes great responsibility.
I’ve also used this in a Superman story.

Great start!

Umm... I've noticed that there are multiple posts by the same people. You can use the quote listed below the box you type in and that keeps you from having to do that. I keep two tabs open and go between the two when I'm quoting.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~