“So, it turns out that the Superman Suit I found at CK’s has been out in space,” Jimmy said.

“Whoa, there, Jimmy, back up a minute. You found a what, where?” Lois growled.
Clark:Oh no! I forgot to tell Lois abotu the suit.

“Okay. Where is he? And why does Clark have his Suit? What is he wearing if Clark has his Suit?”
He is undercover as someone else wearing normal clothes.

“Clark doesn’t do Superman’s laundry,” Lois said sourly.
How can she be so sure of this? Especially since she is also wrong.

Cat burst into a fit of laughter.
Clark:There goes my secret. Better prepare for Lois to explode.

Technically, I do, Clark responded inside his mind.
Nah, technically SUperman does Clark's laudry.

“Me? I didn’t know anything about it. When I arrived, Jimmy was leaving. He didn’t tell me,” Cat defended herself.
Lois:But you were so happy that Clark would be alone for you to try to catch in your snare, that you did not bother asking Jimmy where he was going, or why.

“I’m sorry, Lois. You’re right. I should have told you about that, but between talking to my... folks,
I'm surprised that Lois does not react to learning Clark talked to his "folks".

“I honestly didn’t think it was important.”
I guess for him it is not. He knows Superman returned without having the suit as evidence.

Lois walked up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck in a quiet embrace.
smile1 they are hugging.

It was tender for about three seconds before she slapped the back of his head. “Snap out of it!”
smile1 hyper party Lois sees the truth about Luthor.

John Pack Lambert