Christina: smile1

Hello knife! *twist twist*
clap Not the whole Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenx issue (used in S2).

With Tempus never existing, I guess time finds another way to do what he did.
Actually, this dimension is the same as canon dimension up until the point where baby Clark dies and Tempus disappears, then it branches off. That's why this dimension is broken. We'll have a refresher course on this later.

Thank you for continuing the "kryptonite takes away his powers" thing. I always hated that the changed that in the second season.
You can't have GGGoH without Clark losing his powers. It would be like ASU with Clark having his memories. Where would be the fun in that? Yes, K effects him more like S1, in this story than the other seasons. In "Tempus Anyone?" I don't believe alt-Clark does anything Super after swallowing the bomb (except survive). He doesn't fly out to the podium when Perry introduces him (and Elvis), he walks. I figured, being his first exposure to Green K, it should at least affect him like it did Clark in GGGoH - for a while at least.

And in the process hinting at the fact that his name not Jerome (although I get the feeling they already knew that.)

Clark: Lois and I made out in the closet and she got picked up by Lex Luther.
That she got sold for $1500 without her knowledge.

Oh letting them in on how much you like her early now, aren't you? Then again, your "cover" probably suggested that too.
CLARK: A bit. blush But I can't help it. She's Lois!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.