"He doesn't know that she's an exact copy of the woman he fell in love with (the woman who made him Superman)."

This has come through load and clear in the story, and is one of the most fun things about it. Clark keeps thinking "this Lois is so much harder to get through to than the one that other Clark dealt with. He was so lucky, his Lois was so kind, caring, loving, supportive, understanding and never loved Superman while hating Clark." The truth that we all know is that alt-Clark just had the good fortune of dealing with canon Lois after she had spent 2+ years being changed by interacting with Clark. He does not know about Luthor, or Scardino, or their first adventure with Tempus, or so much more. Of course, canon Clark may have had it a bit easier having his parents to turn to, but he got plenty of whams from Lois like "I love you like a brother".

John Pack Lambert