You've got to remember the only Lois he knows well is that post-Clark Lois from canon dimension and SHE's nice.
Well, at least to alt-Clark. He was too infatuated with her to notice how she treated anyone else.

Ooooh! Didn’t Doc Friskin use RR to describe Call-Me-Daniel?
Actually, it was Sarah, Olsen's potential soul-mate from "Target: Jimmy Olsen", but it probably has lodged in the back of Lois's mind and causes her Rocky Road aversion.

Then why did she have a job interview that required a business outfit?
I don't spefically recall any mention of a job interview? And, though it is practiced rarely nowadays with the younger generation, some of us do appreciate when job applicants dress up for an interview (even for jobs outside of the office-sector).
Maybe Lucy was trying to get an office job for the summer. This is not unheard for secretarial jobs to be given to people without college degrees. Anyway, Lucy having a job interview and her really being able to get the job are not the same.

John Pack Lambert