Gah! It's not over? What fell scripting is this?

See, the word 'fell' (an archaic Middle English word lifted from Old French) in this context describes something bad, almost evil. One 'fell swoop' denotes a bad guy or some discorporated evil entity performing a single act which results in dire consequences for a whole bunch of the good guys. Has nothing to do with falling down and going 'splat.'

I'm so glad to see a corporeal Superman about to come onto the scene. I expect that he'll be quite surprised by this Lois, just as she will be astounded by this Clark. And neither one will behave in quite the manner the other expects, which will give you plenty of space to create angst for us to snack on.

This is a very creative story. I don't recall having read anything with this premise, so it very well may be completely original (unlike all the TOGOM alternates we joyfully savor). You have a fertile and productive imagination.

More soon, I hope? I want to see how many of my assumptions are completely wrong.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing