As I have been away since last wednesday, I've had to catch up by reading the last two instalments and the epilogue today.

I have to admit this has been an interesting and often fun ride. This has been a complex, and engaging story. I do have some concern about the next 'book' to come. Not that it won't be well written, there is no worry on that count.

No, I'm concerned about any storyline that would essentially invalidate everything you so carefully crafted here. If the events in book two make this story 'never have happened', then what was the point of writing it at all?

I guess I'll just have to trust you to make it all work out and make some sort of sense in the end. Perhaps by book 3, 4, or 5. I just hope I live long enough to see the end of all this.

I'd like to take this chance to give Virginia props for getting a Lois haircut in the story. The need for a quick, desperate disguise is also another tried and true reason for Lois to take on 'the cut'.

Unfortunately, if we are going into this Lois' past, she'll have have the longer hair again and we'll have to do it all over again... which is not a bad thing.

Tank (who figures that since altClark/Superman had met, and fell in love with, the short-haired Lois he'll find a way to nudge Lois toward the shorter do sooner rather than later)