A reader! [Linked Image] Hi, Michael!

So, this is like the old bait-and-switch where the daughter tells her parents she’s pregnant only to retract and tell then she just didn’t get into college.
[Linked Image] Kind of.

Poor little Jimmy. He probably was too ecstatic to even be near Lois to make a claim.
Or still a little embarrassed about how he had treated her while on pheromones. [It wasn't Ralph bad, but possibly harem costume bad... let reader(s) imaginations go wild.]

/waits patiently while binding fingers in chew-protectors/
I know you're sad (yes, I know, that's twice now), but really, what was the point of dosing Lois without Clark? I thought about having her dosed and sleeping with Eduardo and them both regretting it and making everything ackward at work, especially him being married and all, but changed my mind. I thought about her getting dosed but not having any reaction to anyone at all, but that really didn't seem real. I NEVER thought of hooking her up with Luthor though. So, I figured, Clark was gone, someone would have to cover the dock strike, why not Lois? In my next story, Lois will help , does that make you feel better? <<mumbles>> Sorry, Spoiler Police caught me!

Yeah, wouldn’t want to wake up to Jimmy sucking her toes.
Um... Yep?... Ackward!

They do share an awful lot of nights together.
Okay, I guess it's safe to post my Tank WHAM warning, now... Well, most of it...

Tank – because of no Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen will have a bigger part in Lois’s life and he will help . (Sorry). The only ‘kid’ though is alt-canon-Clark as a baby.
Does that clarify things? (I figure if I'm going to write a WHAM warning, I should at least have fun with it. [Linked Image] )

He’s more concerned with her body and less with guarding it.

It’s the most action her apartment has seen since Ralph visited her?

/waits for Lois to actually write an angry letter to City Council for driving Clark away.
In her dreams?

But she likes Mel Gibson!
No wonder Dan dresses like that! He's trying to act like MG from Lethal Weapon! [Linked Image]

Can I say *wrong* guy for Lois?

Well, he’s being a body guard. It *is* his job.
Nope. He's DEA, not Secret Service. (Not even going to mention how unsecretive Secret Service has been in RL lately.)

“Oh great. Rich people food.”
No MJ's Cafe.

Did he try to cop a feel?
No, just an idiot (and was that a pun?)

So, that’s how you got this one in. I *was* wondering. And she’s not whisper-speaking ‘bomb’ to prevent a panic?
No, speaking the word "bomb" would probably not compute with Dan.

“What? Do I have to know everything?”
laugh Well, she is Lois Lane!

[Linked Image]
rotflol LOVE IT! rotflol

Oooppsie. I reached my smilie limit. On to Part 2...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.