Originally posted by Darth Michael:
/is suddenly reminded of Gilmore Girls episode where Kirk hid the eggs all over the town square and *didn't* draw an egg map./ The town smelled of rotten eggs for days to come (longer, if it hadn't been for an emergency cleaning requirement).
No, we do plastic eggs with candy and money inside; I hate the idea of putting real eggs down on the ground outside :p . /my sister's been trying to get me into Gilmore Girls, but it hasn't happened yet/

Well, Clark with Mayson’s fun. Maybe it’s because Clark would never actually touch Mayson unless tied down to a bed with green or red crystals placed to strategically light up the room. Maybe it’s because of age-old clichés. Maybe it’s because a jealous Lois is fun while a jealous Clark is just looking for a hug. Plus, Lois with Dan is just plain icky!
Maybe it's because Mayson could have never stolen Clark away from Lois, but Dan almost did? wink

Well, it already shows with the loud outfits he wears that something’s just wrong with him.
Are we speaking of Dan or Clark's ties?

No, she marries them instead.

Cat didn’t look fat.
Good Point!

/puts ‘hazardous for your health’ label on Rocky Road tub/

The other one’s are clogged with ice cream.
So true!

I don’t know. To fortify readers for WHAMs to come?
<<whistles innocently>> Let's just say that this Dan in like canon Dan, every time you think you've gotten rid of him, he pops up again.

Oooooh! That’s a neat trick. Of course, wouldn’t work on a person with backbone. But, hey… you work with what you’re given.
It worked when Sarah shot Clark. All she had to do was shoot Clark, then the brainwashing wore off (since bullets can't kill Clark). If Jimmy thinks he has to kill Lois, all she has to do is tell him he suceeded and he snaps out of it. And didn't you say something about the weak minded? "Person with a backbone" -- same thing, right?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.