Story Concept: The Consequences of Being a Bitch

1. Opening as usual. Clark shows up in Perry’s office with Sarah Bernhardt story.

2. Lois goes ballistic. Tells Perry that she won’t work for a paper that will reward a no-name hick for stealing her story. Goes ultimatum on Perry. You can have the thief or me.

3. Perry backs down. Clark did steal the story idea. No job offer. Clark goes back to Smallville with his dreams crushed

4. Story in Smallville paper 1 month later: Clark Kent was working as a part time farm hand helping Wayne out. He was found dead on Wayne Irig’s farm next to a glowing green rock. Cause of death unknown.

5. 1 month after that: Nightfall destroys much of the world. It lands right on Metropolis destroying everything and everyone including Lex's bunker.
/falls on floor laughing/
clap clap clap

Bob, I think you should post this right now in the Humor Folder! (if there is such a thing) laugh