Hi Corrina,

This was very imaginative. This feels similar to Lois of early S1 but to me she comes across much colder.

I like the story, but I suspect that this universe will never lead to a relationship or even mild friendship between Lois and Clark. This Lois strikes me as (dare I say it) almost Lex-like in calculating how to use Clark. She is making a cold, calculating decision to get close to him for purely mercantile reasons. The fact that she’s entering the partnership with such base purposes suggests to me that she’ll never see Clark as anything other than a means to an end.

Have you been looking at the old 40’s comics? This is exactly the kind of behavior that I see in that version of Lois. This is what she would do. So, I guess there is some potential for this Lois to see Clark as something more than a weak coworker to be taken advantage of. It just might take 50 years.
