Can I be lazy and just ditto KathyB's comments? No?

I really enjoyed this ficathon story. We got inside Lois' head (which I love), but what really had my mouth dropping in awe was your ability to get inside Clark's and provide him with appropriate responses to Lois' provocative behaviors. This is exactly why 'Mad Dog Lane' never scared Clark away and why after earning her grudging respect in "Neverending Battle", they not only became partners and friends, but best friends.

Bob said:
I suspect that this universe will never lead to a relationship or even mild friendship between Lois and Clark. This Lois strikes me as (dare I say it) almost Lex-like in calculating how to use Clark.
I admit to not knowing the comic book Lois as well as you do, Bob, but I daresay that Lois's realizations throughout this piece that Clark wasn't responding as expected would soon change her tactics. It's Clark's ability to keep his cool, yet still show Lois that he can't be pushed around (eg. the wild goose chase through the Metropolis Reclamation Facility in search of a godzilla doll) or in Corinna's story - Clark's determination to keep his source's secrets - that will ultimately shift Lois' mercenary attitude to respect. Once he's inside that first defense, she won't stand a chance.

Great story!

Now get back to Trusting Me, Trusting You. I'm dying for an update over here!