This characterization of Clark is why I loved the show from the get-go. I love how he's so confident and talented, despite was Lois thinks of him. I kept waiting for him to get angry or insulted when Lois was being so rude to him about his story, yet he kept it together the whole way through, which only made his victory of having Superman deliver dinner that much sweeter.

And as I mentioned in my part 2 feedback, I like how Lois never even comes close to the truth -- she has a big revelation, all right, but reality is so much bigger that it just seems ridiculous.

(Oh, and I forgot to mention it in my comments on part 2, so I'll add it here -- I really, really liked how Clark questioned Lois on HOW Superman was supposed to stop the bad guys. He was so very brand new at being the superhero at this point, and he hadn't dealt with anything nearly this scary yet. He wanted to go, but he had no idea what he'd do when he got there. The whole exchange was nicely done.)

I can definitely see tons of possibilities for what comes next in this universe. I know you have a bunch of other stories on your plate, but if your muse decides it wants to play some more with this version of the characters, know that you'll have an eager audience. And hey, without prompts, this time you'd be able to satisfy your desire for WAFF. wink

Great job, as always!
