One more thing about the movie, Superman II. Superman's actions in that movie have been criticized by many people on these boards, for example by Terry. The way I remember the general reception of the movie when it arrived in 1980, however, people generally seemed to like it. There were some complaints about the fact that Superman had had sex with Lois, but none, as far as I'm aware, about the fact that he had found a way of getting himself out of trouble by giving Lois amnesia.

The latest Superman movie was roundly critized, however. I came across many posts on a Superman site where people were very angry about the fact that the Man of Steel unexpectedly turned out to have a son. The Superman fans were angry that their hero had to suffer the consequences of his actions. Never mind that he had done something wrong in the first place, but the fact that he was made to suffer for it was really a bad thing.
