I found the original story to be very sad. As can be seen from my post on that story, I took it to be our real, original Clark that was insane. Either he always had been or something had driven him that way.

Since I tend to overreact to these types of stories, I have to be very careful and I almost didn’t read it. Once I did I found that I could both tolerate and appreciate the story.

For me, the difference was that even though Clark had gone insane, his love for Lois was still there, even if it were in a very twisted form. Then, when Lois participated in Superman’s demise, it was not an act of callousness, but was instead also an act of love in the only way possible in the situation.

I would almost think that an alternate prequel might be in order. We have the mad-clone story, which I like and want to see the rest. However, I suspect that the tragedy version of the story could be very good also.

There is a lot of potential for a back-story where our real Clark is driven insane by… I don’t know, Pink Kryptonite, and Lois had to take him down with full knowledge of who he had been. Then had to face moving on understanding both what she lost and the idea that she had no choice.

I probably couldn’t read it, (way too whinging ) but I can see the tragic beauty of such a story.
