I'm going to be the party pooper here. This is an interesting, well-written story, and I am curious to see how it ends. But...


I think the original part was stronger as a stand-alone. Especially the poignancy of the last line. Orginally, the implication was that Lois had loved him as well--that's what made it so heart-breakingly tragic. With the addition of the backstory, that implication--and therefore the gut-wrenching punch of Lois being the one to bring Superman down--is lost. The clone Superman is a horrible villain who must be killed, but not a former hero with a tragic flaw who must be destroyed be the one who loves him. Interesting and creative, but not as powerful emotionally.

You do have a potential new tragedy here--either Clark is dead, or he is consigned to forever hide his powers because this world will never accept another superhero. He'll be back to wandering the globe again unless he can harden his heart enough to never use his powers again. (No...he could learn to be better at not getting caught, but that would be a constant tightrope walk.) Still, I found it more powerful as a stand-alone.

Happy, who can't believe she's publicly advocating for the unredeemed WHAM option. eek

This *is* my happily ever after.