Good thing I read it last night, Carol, and had time to sleep and forget it so I could enjoy my Christmas smile
I think as far as Lois is concerned, the decision was made when they got married so she's not making a new decision she's following up on one already made.
Except, when they made the decision originally, they hadn't chosen to sleep together and had another child together, which changed the entire situation. As much as we chew on Clark for making unilateral decisions without Lois, she's doing the same thing to him.
But I understand that you don't see it that way. I respect that. Maybe I shouldn't have used your name.

Of course, I think, if I'm reading correctly, it's really the characters that irratiate you.
Sara, don't worry about using my name. I was just disagreeing with how you saw Lois's behavior. It was entirely the characters that irritated me, not you, not at all. I was irritated enough with Lois that when she mentioned her headache, I didn't feel any sympathy because I figured it matched that crown of thorns she was trying to wear.
There is an old song which the refrain is "If you love someone, you've got to let them go."
In the middle of our 30-year marriage, DH and I were divorced for three years. I understand the concept of letting go of someone you love with as much grace and generosity as you can. But that's not the same as what Lois is doing.
You did ask for divorce and remarriage laws a while back, and how quickly they could remarry. Could mean anything, of course, but I'll go with remarrying a day after their divorce is final
I don't know about that. I just thought I'd share a story from personal experience. When DH and I walked out of the courtroom after the final hearing on our divorce, he said he was afraid he had made a mistake. Although I still loved him dearly and hadn't wanted the divorce, I was so furious that I wanted to slap him. He put the kids and me through six months of hell for something he wasn't sure about?! He could have stopped it any time before that by withdrawing the petition, and he waited until it was too late before he had second thoughts? I didn't slap him or scream at him, but I think I said, "It's a little late now, isn't it?" and walked off. Re L&C--if they let the divorce go through, then they won't be in the sort of mindset that will allow them to turn around and remarry immediately. Carol may not be thinking of anything like that, but I figure I'd throw in my 2 cents worth.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story