Woohoo! Internet access.

I had a lot of chapters to catch up on.

So, Navance is dead! For this story to end, he either had to die, or Christopher had to turn five. I like that you chose to kill Navance off, because it brought the original 5-year timeline to an abrupt halt, and it caught both Lois and Clark off guard.

These past two chapters were heart-breaking. I know I've been in the boat that they had to break up, but actually reading it, is a different story. As I've said plenty of times before, I want them together, but I want them to *want* to be together. This whole facade was emotionally draining for both the characters and for us readers.

As always with these characters, they have their best and most open conversations with any one else but each other (Lois with Sam; Clark with Martha and Jonathan). If only they would talk to each other, and actually complete a conversation, they might actually progress.

Lois giving up the boys? That seems to be a 180 from where she was before, or am I remembering incorrectly? Being rejected by Clark, and then losing her boys, might actually send her depression into a tailspin. I'm worried about her, and I think from the previews, she'll do the Lois thing, and dive back into work. I wonder if her next exclusive by-line will read Lois Lane? If both Lois and Clark were mature, and not reacting to their emotions, they would sit down and discuss what each other would like, and what they think is best for the boys. I mean Nate is still nursing isn't he? Could he really live apart from Lois at this time? With any divorce, the kids should come first, but here, they're caught in this emotional crossfire.

Clark seems to be telling the "real" story to the whole world and then some. Although the threat is over, I still think that he really should have discussed what would become public knowledge now. I mean Perry knows, Martha and Jonathan know, and perhaps Lana in the next post? I think these conversations betray Lois' trust. They should decide together what should be out there, and what shouldn't. It's not Clark's decision alone.

The paternity question still lingers. As I've mentioned previously, Clark cannot go through his whole life, referring to Christopher as Lois' son. It certainly isn't healthy for him, and for Christopher as well. I know he mentioned the reasons for not going through with the paternity test (i.e. sample getting lost along the way), but surely with all of Sam's connections, couldn't a test be done in secret? I've been thinking, since Clark is impenetrable, couldn't they do a paternity test on both Nate and Chris, to see if they are full brothers? Without resolving this issue, paternity will be simmering in the background, and I think Christopher deserves better.

So, Clark's meeting up with Lana next chapter. let's see what happens. She could either say there's no chance they will get back together, or she could say she's still in love with him. At this point, I'm pretty neutral.

If you do bring Lois and Clark back together (and take Lana out of the picture), I'd like to see them divorce and then remarry. We need these characters to say their vows and mean them. If we don't get that, perhaps have them date? It's one thing to stay married cause you have to. But, is there chemistry and love between them? I'm not convinced as of yet. You had Clark lay out all the reasons he loves Lana. I'd like to hear why Lois loves Clark, and why Clark loves Lois. So much of their connection has been obligated, that I wonder now that they're emotionally free, was a connection really there in the first place?

I'm not quite sure, Carol, if my feedback is actually helpful or not. In case it's not, I'll go back to hiding under a rock, and be the silent reader type. Just thought I'd let you know I'm still reading.

Merry Christmas everyone.