Merry Christmas!

The chapters may not have been happy ones but I was still glad to have them. I missed the debate on criticism last round, so I'm just going to drop a couple of pennies in the tin right now. I found Clark's regression on the Christopher issue to be frustrating. After deciding that he was his father in name, and then thinking that there was a very high possibility that he was his father biologically, his "does it matter" fell a little flat. Personally, I chock that up to my own experiences though. There are a lot of adopted members of my family and I cringe at anyone making even subtle hints at differences. Family is about love and decisions to love--and Clark supposedly has already turned that corner a while ago. I would have felt better if he had just said something to the effect of "of course he is" where the "does it matter" was more of a "it doesn't matter to me" type of thing.

I'm not bothered beyond that slight frustration though. I would only suggest a retread if it wasn't intentional, otherwise, as a reader, I can deal with fickleness being part of the characters' flaws and hope that their evolution will bring maturity in this realm.

I am saddened by the turn of emotions upon Navance's death, but as so many others have said, it was necessary. I was in the divorce camp long ago, so even though I'm not happy about it, I'm okay with them taking that step if it helps them see things more clearly (that doesn't mean they have to go through with it!). The part that really kills me is Lois parting with her boys. I can see where she thinks that's best (potential superness et. al)... where she might think she's being altruistic in the gesture, but I see it as a somewhat selfish, self-protection measure. She will have less contact with Clark if he's the main caregiver, and less reminders of Clark if she moves away and doesn't see his little clones running around. It leaves me unsettled, but I attribute that to great writing--writing that makes me actually feel for the characters. But please... fix it! wink

I hope that Lana drops some wisdom on Clark like she attempted to do with Lois. Lana may turn out to be a friend yet. And maybe it's time for Van to slap his little brother around some. I'd like to see what his addition to the story will bring a little more. *sigh* The end is so close, yet resolution seems to far away. I'm not sure how to feel about what the sequel will bring but I'm clinging onto my optimism bone!

Happy Holidays to all... and to all a great life!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles