Wow - you guys are busy for Christmas wink .

Melray - who me? Couldn't be?

Sara - Trask? Who's he? wink

JD - I don't think Clark knows what he thinks/feels... Maybe soon...

Sheilah - I think as far as Lois is concerned, the decision was made when they got married so she's not making a new decision she's following up on one already made. Sorry I took you out of the Christmas mood frown . We had a good day overall thanks.

Ann - I had a hard time writing 135. And firing the shotgun... Well, it's in hand anyway...

Michael - Hmm... yes I did ask those questions... /ignores rest of post except congratulations on archive record - thanks/

Natascha - hmmm... will have to think about that...

Sonia - I edited a bit of that - maybe I did it after you read - part of Clark's convo with Perry. That was one of those written a long time ago things that slipped through. Part of Lois and the boys was very real for me when I was pregnant with last baby. I was quite certain that DH was going to leave me [for one of my best friends - even though she was practically engaged at the time and they have a very sibling relationship] and that the kids would be much better off with him - even the baby that wasn't here yet and I'd keep him with me until he slept through the night and then if I could be their daycare... It was a very horrible period for me. I don't think Lois is quite where I was, but that's where it comes from.

Grinch - /waves/ Yes, it did bring it to an abrupt halt. Can you imagine this monster if it didn't? /shudder/ Come on - you know you want to shudder with me /shudder more/. The Nate nursing thing is mentioned in either tomorrow's post or the one after. Yes he is, and I'll leave it at that for now, but he's also 10m old so probably not as much as before. I agree he probably should have talked to Lois first. The purpose of the secret was to protect Christopher/Lois and the threat is gone [though it wasn't quite gone when he talked to Perry]. That's an interesting thought re: Nate/Christopher paternity test. Though they could probably use a cheek swab for Clark. Please don't go back under your rock smile .

Michael - that honestly never occurred to me [though to be honest, the Van-El as Bernie the Scientist is a relatively recent development - originally he had a random computer job]. And since it never occurred to me - it never occurred to them either wink . Besides, they will find out for sure - eventually - and I like that way better so it didn't occur to them. And I don't like your insinuation about Van!

Sara - that would be lovely...

Terry - yes I have been waiting around for your okay. Well, not really. And don't worry, Van's not our mystery toga party man. But they will find out who [but not in OTOH].

AnKS - Would Lois see them? Out of all the places to be in Metropolis at the same time, could they possibly be near each other at that point?

Terry - [Totally random aside - Jerry and Elaine were just saying that each other isn't a Superman or Lois Lane...] You're right about them being a young married couple - Lois just turned 22 this week. AFAIK, membership is still open smile .

Thanks guys - see above for schedule for the next week.
