
Just finished wrapping presents and stuffing stockings and getting the BBQ Brisket in the crock pot and the 7yo back to bed...

Turns out we've got a bad Wiimote though frown . We have four total so it'll be okay. DH decided today to get two more which is good b/c otherwise we'd only have one working. Of course, he played one of the games while I wrapped all the presents and put the Brisket in etc...

Of course, it's 1:30 now... But we did put up dark flannel sheets over the kids' windows so hopefully they'll sleep in some.

Anyway - thanks for the FDK. Hope no one's too bummed out. There's ten chapters left at this point.

Friday: 136/7
Saturday: 138/9
Sunday: 140/1
Monday: 142/3
Tuesday: 144
Wednesday: 145 [why? Because I can! And because then it ends on New Year's Eve wink !]

Natascha - so sorry you have to work!

Okay - I'm going to veg for a few more minutes and then off to bed...

Thanks again! And Merry Christmas!

[Ann - did you get my email?]