Hee hee... Hi Labby!

Ooooh, look at the fdk! hyper

Heh, I always had a soft spot for Bobby too. <g>

Ooooooooh. Shivers up the spine. Seriously, DJ, this opening to the scene was so atmospheric, full of brooding and almost menace.
<blush> Thanks! Wow, what a compliment. <g>

OMG. For a moment there I had a vision of a naked Superman... [Dizzy]
LOLSSS!!! rotflol

Brilliant paragraph. Again, so atmospheric and vivid.

Okay, I can't quote anything from the seduction because I'd be quoting every danged line. But I'm afraid to touch the screen in case it sizzles. Whoa - talk about steam! And heat! And...yowsa! [Shock]
SQUEEEEEEE! Thank you! Thank you! <bg>

Har! /me takes a small time out from being thoroughly absorbed in the segment to do a victory dance around the room. [Dance] I was right! <looks smug>
Yes, you were right. cool

Ooooh, I just love all the wows and how much you loved it. Eeeeeee! I'm ecstatic. Thanks so much Labby! Now I'm off to see what you thought of the next part.

Thanks again everyone!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.