Wow! This was so full of emotions it was hard to keep still as I read it.

Lois rolled her eyes. “No, first of all, *I* already know the limo was there. I saw it myself. Secondly, *you* don't know that it was "Lex's' limo. And thirdly, I'm not so sure *that* was Superman.”

“You're not sure of much, are you?” Bobby grinned at his assessment and Lois scowled at him.
I love Bobby's comment and Lois' scowl in reply is just so Lois!

Lois glanced around the newsroom – still no Clark. She had hurt him, she knew she had. And if she was truthful with herself, she felt guilty about it.

But honestly, did that really give him the right to go off and sulk about it?
This, too, seems so very much in character with Lois of the 1st season. She's not exactly an understanding sort of girl.

“Oh. Here, let me get a light.” She turned towards the lamp beside her to click it on, but she was prevented when a large hand came from behind and caught hers.
I'm probably a little slow on the uptake, but while all along I've suspected that Clark is being mind controlled by Lex and red krytonite, I could not figure out why he didn't want the light on. But, I have to admit, it lent a very cool visual to the rest of this chapter.

“Let me go,” she said, trying to slip her hand free from his. This wasn't Superman. It couldn't be. He had never come to her like this before, dressed like this, with that look in his eyes – it sent a shiver down her spine...
Well, that's two of us then. I'm feeling a bit creeped out, too, Lois.

Lois was panicking. No. No, this couldn't be happening. “Clark,” she heard herself whimper.
I love that she calls for Clark here. I would think in this situation, it's hard to think rationally, and so I wouldn't be too surprised if she called for Superman at first as he's her hero - the person she calls for when she's in danger. But there's something in her that decides Clark is the one who can save her from this. Even though, if she is thinking rationally enough to realize calling for Superman isn't going to help, she should also realize that if Clark is a regular man, there's little he can do either. But she's upset and when she's upset, she calls Clark.

“Clark?” he asked, sounding amused. “You think Clark's going to save you? Clark's not coming.”

“What?” she whispered in shock. Why would he say that? “Have you done something to him?” Dread filled her heart. This was the clone – and he had done something to Clark. Horrific images began to flash though her mind.
This, too, is fantastic! He's just told her that no one is coming to save her and she's focused instead on Clark's safety.

“I am Clark.”
jawdrop What! What is he thinking? Oh, right. I forgot - he isn't.

Then there was another voice in his head. A familiar voice, though he couldn't place it. But it wasn't speaking to him; it was more like a memory – instructions repeating.

//”...force her. You must show her that you are not to be denied. Her subjection must be complete. Even if you have to force her. You must show her that you are not to be denied. Her subjection must be complete. Even if...”//
Is Lex just that good a figuring out that Lois would say no or can he hear her asking Clark to stop? 'Cause if he can hear her, he's heard Clark tell Lois Superman is Clark!

Laying her cheek against his shoulder, she whispered softly in his ear. “I know you don't mean this. You would never do this.”
I can't tell you what I like better - the fact that this is what gets through to Clark (just so sweet) or the fact that somehow Lois knows Clark would never do this to her.

This is really so great, I can't believe we need to wait for the weekend for an update. (Not that I should talk, but still...)