Okay, I try not to answer fdk too quickly... but I was chewing my nails this morning when I got up - nervous to see what anyone thought or if anyone had even been brave enough to read.


I feel so much better now, ladies.

Laura S - I'm so glad you were reminded of your wallpaper because, yes, that's what inspired me. You have no idea how long I stared at that wallpaper for inspiration and how long I poured over it when describing him in that scene. I think my brain short-circuited a few times. <g>

*giddy* Why is this so... sexy? I absolutely LOVE Superman coming over dressed in normal clothes. That's just so... terrifying and... sexy. Weird.
Thanks. Glad you thought so too and I'm not the only weirdo. <snort>

I hope you survived those heart attacks - they must have been doozies to have turned your jaw purple <LOL> take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning. <snort>

I love when you curse at me in nonsensical alphabetic letters <ROTFLOL> And I'm completely bowled over and blushing profusely at what you said. Thank you so much, Laura. I'm so glad you enjoyed the part.

<wipes brow>

Hi carolm! Thank you so much.

I figured out pretty quick that Luthor's limo had to be somewhere nearby but I wasn't sure that CK would be able to overcome the programming in time!

So Luthor - or someone working for him, but more likely him - has been hypnotizing or in some other way controlling Clark/Superman.
<g> Most likely yes. We'll see... <wink>

You had some very good questions... some of which will be answered in the next part...

But no, unfortunately that part isn't quite finished yet. 6 pages are finished and the rest is sketched. <g> So it will be several more days before it's posted. Sorry.

But I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks guys! I feel better now. <g> Actually I'm a little giddy from the fdk.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.