Wow...DJ. Amazing. I apologise for this being my first time leaving FDK for this story of yours - this wonderful story of yours. I have been remiss; not just with your story, but with everyone's. Busy life doesn't even leave me much time to read, but this I'm trying to keep up with (though I see I'm a little late...).

Can I just say how much I'm adoring this story? It's so intriguing. I love the mystery that you gave us initially (some of which is still left - for Lois anyway) and also the emotions displayed within your amazing words. Ahh, DJ. I always love your writing, but the power of this story particularly, has me captivated! smile

Now, specific feedback on Part 6:

Suddenly it seemed like he was standing much too close.
I like this - it shows that Lois senses something is wrong before he even speaks to her much (or...does stuff other than speaking!).

He relinquished her mouth long enough to growl, “I won’t be denied.” And then his actions became suddenly voracious, no longer tempered with tenderness or love but, instead, demanding and greedy.
razz I hate what Lex has done to Clark! I'm wondering if Lex did the conditioning - the hypnotising - himself, or whether someone like Nigel did it...? Do we ever find out?

Anyway, apologies again for not leaving FDK up till now, but just know that it was your story that made me sit down and take the time to do so! laugh


Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress.
Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.