Well, Jojo, I hope you found time to read the part... because... well, um... I've got part 7 done and ready to post it.

Although I really probably shouldn't post it quite yet because I really don't have part 8 written yet at all. It's all sketched out, but I haven't written any dialog yet or filled in the details <sigh> So it looks like it will be at least a week before I can post part 8.

I really should probably hold on to part 7 and not post it yet... but, well, patience isn't one of my virtues. <g>

Hi doublel! More fdk! Wheeeee! Awwww, I'm totally blushing. Thank you for that wonderful compliment. I'm so glad you enjoyed the revelation. Thanks! And I am posting quick... just about to... in the next 30 minutes or so. <g> Thanks!

Alcyone! You came back! I was really hoping that you of all people would enjoy this part. <g> I laughed at you saying Clark didn't sulk enough. Heh - I'll remember that for my next HoL rewrite. He sulks quite a bit in that one... at least he has so far...

I'm glad you're still stumped, but I hope the ending lives up to expectations <chews nails>

Now not only is she traumatized by the near rape, she has to deal with the deceit from Clark. Only three more parts? Wow, I have no idea how they can get over this in just that amount of time (and have the A-plot sorted out!).
You know... if I had wanted to, I could have probably drug this out for several parts (and bored everyone to death, most likely) with a lot of introspection and mistrust and what not... But, I've written that before... and I try to do something just a little different, each time that I write. I also try to let the characters write themselves... and well, I think you'll see after the next part that they went in a different direction. I hope it doesn't seem out of character. They really did seem to be speaking to me... and my betas seemed to like it. We'll see what you think. Feel free to throw rotten tomatoes if you're unhappy. I'm a big girl, I can take it.

Thanks for the fdk and I'm so glad you enjoyed this part.

Thanks again everyone and here comes part 7!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.