Ooooh, yay! More FDK. heeee!

JD - thank you for your comments, they really made my day!
"National Superhero Assistance Hotline, this is Robin speaking, what is your emergency..."
The thought of Robin answering the phone there had me in a fit of giggles!

Okay, where's the "The ending just killed!" graemlin? Amazing.
Aaawwww!!! Thank you so much!

symbolicangel - thanks! smile I love the irony in that as well. Honestly, that's what I love most about seasons 1 and 2; Lois keeps finding ways of making comments that crack me up, simply because she doesn't know that Clark is Superman.... and we do. smile

Selinde - AH! So you're to blame for my nightmares! *lol* You know, as agonizing as this was at first, I'm so glad I ended up with this request. I'm very proud of the end result.
And this part made me cry just a little. It's so beautiful! She realizes that she wants Clark. I want Clark too!
Heh. Show of hands: who here does NOT want Clark? Huh? Huh? ...yeah, I kinda figured. LOL!

Thanks for the comments - and for trusting that I could pull this assignment off.

Camy - thank you! I love the fact they had a bat comment in that story. I squee a little bit every time there's a reference to Batman on the show. I know... I'm a bit deranged! (and yeah, I also think I would have made every effort to work Batman in someplace in there if they hadn't done it for me already. I'm geeky like that. *lol)

Thanks again everyone!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies